Sunday, March 20, 2011


So today has been well... okay. Its not the greatest day of my life, but I'm still thankful to be alive and to experience it. I decided that I wasn't going to stay home today. Instead I got ready and all dolled up and went to the mall. I had to take some items back and decided I would kill two birds with one stone (metaphorically of course).  My first stop was to Zales the Diamond Store. My ex had given me my most prized possession the night of my 16th birthday at exactly midnight.It is a heart shaped necklace that holds 8 diamonds. He told me that it was a symbol of his love and that when I wear it, it shows him how much I love him. Well it had gotten dirty (seeing as how I never ever take it off except to shower) so I took it to Zales for it to get cleaned. The lady who helped me said it was her favorite necklace out of that particular collection. What a coincidence seeing as how it is my favorite necklace of all time. Her telling me this and how beautiful she thought it was put me in a supremely happy mood. In a way, I thought it was her telling me how beautiful the love between my ex and I was. That love was so beautiful that it was something that only God could create. So after that I went and took back my items and decided that I would try on a few items to see how well I liked them. While trying them on I thought to myself "I would really love to have this item, but I don't know how much my returns are worth." After trying one of the items on I decided to get it with or without the exchange.  Exchanging the items turned out that I had a couple of dollars left over. Surprise surprise I had enough to get the item that I wanted to get and had a little extra over. Manifestation guys. To want that item and ask for it the Law of Attraction brought it to me.  So I went and picked up my necklace and the lady told me "Wow, this necklace is shinier than the others I have cleaned. Its the same material but it just shines so much brighter than what I have seen." This made me smile because of the second meaning I took to the necklace. Looking at it, it was super shiny and super clean. It was if it was brand new fresh out of the store. Maybe with a little cleaning and polishing, our love could have never ended. After the mall I went home and watched my favorite movie of all time Moulin Rouge. After this my family and I went over to my grandparents house for a visit and for dinner. During this time I was flipping through a magazine reading articles and thinking about my ex. For a while now I have been asking the Universe/ Law of Attraction to help me bring him back into my life. As I thought about this I flipped to a page that was introducing two new shows. A cooking show and a pet keeping show. Low and behold, the kitchen show was an answer from the Universe. In the title of the show were the words "(my ex's last name) bringing back-". I couldn't believe it. The Law of Attraction literally handed me a sign saying that it is helping me. I was in total shock and had to read it over a few times. I thanked the Universe for this and built my faith up more for his return. Manifestation is something spectacular! It is taught in everything we know as well as the Law of Attraction. If you want the most information on these marvelous things, I HIGHLY suggest you read The Secret and The Power, both written my Rhonda Byrne. Discover what your life can be and make it what you want it to be.

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